Sunday 22 March 2015

The United Kingdom - A Democracy When It Suits The Establishment?

It appears the true nature of the United Kingdom and the Establishment have been appearing in the last few days. The above photograph is from today's Andrew Marr Show on the BBC where Anna Soubry tells Alex Salmond,
"Your plans fill me with absolute horror."
During the whole piece Anna Soubry basically goes on a rant about Alex Salmond, the SNP and indeed the Scots and their role in the possible outcomes in the coming General Election. Andrew Marr and Alex Salmond hardly are able to get a word in edge ways. A link to the piece:

During the rant it is abundantly clear that Anna Soubry is saying the word "United Kingdom" but meaning "England". This is so obvious when she says things like,
"Because of the inadequacies of Labour north of the border you guys will be the power brokers"
It becomes increasingly clear that the SNP shouldn't be allowed any power even if given a mandate for it by those who have a voted in the election. This is a far scarier position than anything that Mr. Salmond said during his interview. It fills me with absolute horror that democracy is only democracy when it suits those in power. At least, however, they are now admitting it in the open.

As you will no doubt have noticed, (I'm sure the blog header gives it away) I am not an SNP supporter. Whilst I have some things in common with the SNP, there are some fundamental differences that I could point out but this is not the time or the place. This is the time and the place to say only one thing.
"The United Kingdom is a democracy and if it is the will of the people to return 50 odd SNP MP's to Westminster so be it."
There really seems to be a lot of confusion about what the definition of The United Kingdom is. As far as I was concerned it was a unitary authority of four countries. Not so if you look at articles like the one in The Telegraph yesterday titled  "A way to save the Union from the cunning Nats"

"The Scots Nats are perpetual trouble-makers who will do anything and everything to aggravate the English. It's about time we turned the tables on them"
First paragraph:
 "The divergence is absolute and could prove fatal. In England, many voters are already bored with the election campaign, which has hardly begun. But large parts of North Britain are in the grip of religious mania. Scottish friends of mine, who thought that they understood their own country, now feel bewildered, marginalised – and threatened. The Scot Nats’ concept of Scotland is totalitarian. If you do not agree with them, you are no true Scot"
It beggars belief for me that the arrogance of some is so colossal that they believe the SNP are doing things simply to annoy the English. I would ask them one question.
"If the SNP's intentions are so obvious and ghastly, why do you feel the need to hide yours?"
It's also amazing that the author of this piece is not aking why the electorate are "bored". I would contend that it's because they are fed up with the same old garbage, from the same old people, and that they are disenfranchseid because they think they don't matter. Articles like this are part of the problem and are absolutely not part of the solution.

For me it's becoming more obvious by the day that The Establishment are highly rattled by the SNP's present polling position as it will severely impact on the power they hold. I for one am glad of that. It makes me ask the question though, is the democracy we think we had just a smokescreen? I'm becoming more and more convinced as the days go by that this is the case.

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